before the resolution is passed 意味

  • 決議案{けつぎあん}が通る前に


        have passed the best-before date:    賞味期間{しょうみ きかん}が切れている
        before the cabinet acted on the resolution:    閣議決定{かくぎ けってい}に先立って{さきだって}
        with resolution before adult life:    成人{せいじん}までに自然消退{しぜん しょうたい}して
        wheel tracks left by vehicles that have passed before:    wheel tracks left by vehicles that have passed before 前轍 ぜんてつ
        before the cabinet acted upon the resolution:    
        passed:    {形-1} : 過ぎ去った、過去の -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-2} : 流行遅れの、色あせた -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        resolution:     resolution n. 決心, 決意; 決断; 決議, 決議案; 分解; 解決; 〔光学〕 解像力. 【動詞+】 The meeting unanimously adopted a resolution to the effect that…. その会は満場一致で…という趣旨の決議案を採択した break one's diet resolution 食事制限の決
        with resolution:    with resolution 毅然として きぜんとして
        as the months passed:    年月が過ぎるにつれ(て) As the months passed, she found she could no longer rely on his judgment.
        as the summer passed:    夏が過ぎると
        on passed ball:    捕逸{ほいつ}[パス?ボール]で[の間に] The runner advanced to second on a pass ball. 捕逸[パス?ボール]で[の間に]ランナーはセカンドへ進塁した。
        passed away:    {映画} : お葬式だよ全員集合!◆米1992
        passed ball:    《野球》パスボール、捕逸{ほいつ}◆捕手{ほしゅ}のミスで逸した投球◆【略】PB
        passed by the diet:    《be ~》(法案{ほうあん}が)国会{こっかい}を通過{つうか}する
        passed by unanimity:    《be ~》(法案{ほうあん}などが)満場一致{まんじょう いっち}で可決{かけつ}される


  1. "before the nickelodeon" 意味
  2. "before the nose of" 意味
  3. "before the presence of" 意味
  4. "before the problem gets worse" 意味
  5. "before the rain" 意味
  6. "before the resolution is put to a vote" 意味
  7. "before the sands run out" 意味
  8. "before the school term ends" 意味
  9. "before the seasonal outbreak" 意味
  10. "before the problem gets worse" 意味
  11. "before the rain" 意味
  12. "before the resolution is put to a vote" 意味
  13. "before the sands run out" 意味

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